Contacting someone today is
easier than it has ever been.
But getting you message across is harder than it’s ever been.

Technology today is amazing: you can have a face-to-face meeting with anyone in the developed world at a moment’s notice. At the same time, it’s harder to be heard by those same people. Nowhere is this more apparent than when presenting.
People are busier than ever, moving from meeting to meeting, either in person or virtually, so to get your message across and get the results you are seeking is more challenging than ever. In his new book “Firing up Your PowerPoint: 10 Immutable Laws of Presenting in the Digital Era”, PowerfulPoints Founder and CEO, Lee Featherby shares with you his advice on how to cut through in the 21st century.
PowerfulPoints has grown to become one of Australia’s leading visual communications companies. Its founder and CEO, Lee Featherby, has been creating presentations for businesses for over 40 years, where he has seen the technology move from slide projectors and reel-to-reel tape decks to highly interactive presentations and videos to state-of-the-art holographic presentations and everything in between. In this delightfully brief, easy-to read-book, Lee focuses on the 10 most important aspects of a presentation to get your message across and help achieve the results you seek

Available in hard or soft copy, this will be the
best 55 pages you will read on how to create an
effective presentation in the digital era.
To order your copy, click here:
About the author
Lee Featherby is the founder and CEO of one of Australia’s leading
design houses, PowerfulPoints, is a thought leader, an international
speaker and a trainer. Lee has been training people how to build,
design and deliver outstanding presentations for more than 20 years.